General Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the five components, and key of the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Acupuncture consist of thin needles that are inserted into the skin to stimulate precise points which in turn balances energies also called Qi.

This develops body fonctions physiologicaly and psychologicaly.

This way, Acupuncture is useful in the treatment of:

- Symptoms related to the Musculoskeletal problemssuch as joints pain, muscular pain and tendonitis.

- Symptoms related to the respiratory systemsuch as asthma or frequent cold.

- Symptoms related to the digestive system such as constipation, heartburn, gastric acids from the stomac and diarrhea.

- Symptoms related to the nervous systeme such as paresthesia or facial paralysis.

-Symptoms related to physiological state such as depression, burnout, anxiety and insomnia.

-Symptoms caused by the side effects of medications or severe therapy.

- And other symptoms you may experience.

How a session of Acupuncture is performed:

One session lasts about 45 minutes, this includes an anamnesis and an energetique diagnosis of your state.

The needles used are specifically designed for that purpose and stay on your body for about 20 minutes. 

Other techniques such as Moxa (the application of heat on the skin), suction pads, electrostimulation or specific massages are also used during the same session according to your body's needs to faster your recovery.

Relief of the symptoms can generally be felt quite rapidly depending on the chronicity of the symptoms and the state of our patients.

To perfect the art of Acupuncture and the related techniques used, I studied and trained at the European Shanghai College of Chinese Traditional Medicine.

This way i was able to develop myself and perform Acupuncture at hospitals in China.